So we all know exercising and being physically active is good for you, but do we really know why. or exactly how good it actually is? Well i'll give you a heads up. It's SUPER good for us and can make a huge difference in our life and health in many ways, so sit back while I explain 5 main benefits of regular physical activity!
Controlling/Losing Weight: One of the most well-known benefits of physical activity is losing weight or preventing excess weight gain. Physical activity leads our body to burn calories, and the more physical activity you endure, the more calories you will burn. But one thing you may not be aware of is that physical activity doesn't always have to be a 30-minute workout everyday in order to see a difference or cure your daily dose of exercise. Little things like taking the stairs rather then the elevator, or taking your dog for a walk around the block work too!
Eliminates Poor Heath Conditions: Exercising on a regular basis, no matter how intense, can decrease your risks of heart disease and even prevent high blood pressure. Regular physical activity can also decrease your risk of strokes, diabetes, arthritis, and depression!
Puts You In A Good Mood: Many people who workout or indulge in some sort of daily physical activity will tell you that it doesn’t just help increase your health benefits, but also your spirits. Whether it’s doing yoga to relax, going for a jog to release stress, or a pumped up kick boxing session to release energy, physical activity can put you in an instantly better mood!
Promotes Better Sleep: One thing a lot of people may not know that regular physical activity can improve your sleeping habits. It can help you fall asleep better and stay asleep throughout the night leading you to a better nights sleep! However, intense exercise close to your bedtime is not recommended. Keep those heavy work-outs in the morning to help wake you up!
It’s Fun: Besides all the health benefits that regular physical activity provides, it’s also good to remember that it’s FUN! Whether it’s going for daily walks with your friends to gossip, or a Friday night zumba class, exercise provides you with something to do that will entertain you in a different way than your television or computer can!
To help lead you into your newly active life, here's a YouTube video with a nice workout routine that you can do in your very own home!